
ELCOVISION ElTheo - Total Station Software

ELCOVISION ElTheo is a "device driver" for total stations with serial or Bluetooth interface, which enables a CAD program to communicate directly with the total station. The main advantage is that every function of the CAD system becomes a measurement function. The total station can be seen like a 3D pen. A digital 3D drawing of the object is created online.
The integration of the measuring instrument into the CAD environment also offers the advantage that design and measurement are one. However, not only 3D measurement is supported, but also distances measured with a folding rule or the Leica DISTO can be incorporated without any additional effort.

The Stationing of the Tachymeter

In addition to setting up on known points, it is possible to define a local system of coordinates. This can be defined arbitrarily in any direction or over two measurements the X-axis is aligned parallel to e.g. a facade.

The free stationing

If there is already a drawing or known points, the stationing can also take place via a free stationing: To do this, simply click on visible points in the drawing and use the tachymeter to measure them appropriately. Free stationing is possible in 2D and also in 3D.

The measurement modes of ElTheo

3 different measuring modes are offered. These are the normal polar measurement, the plane intersection and also the forward intersection.
All measured points are recorded in 3D, but can also be projected in planes.
If you want to record a ground plan, a section or something similar, you can define any planes, the measurement is also projected into this plane and additionally stored in 3D.
Often the coordinate master holders are quite large and one prefers smaller coordinates in CAD. A constant deduction can then be defined so that all coordinates sent to the CAD are reduced by this amount and all coordinates coming from the CAD are shifted by this amount. 

Balanced Planes for Projections and Profiles

A plane can be defined over any number of points. Furthermore, planes can be defined as parallel planes or perpendicular planes to an existing plane. They can be found at any time using a name of any length.
These planes can be used arbitrarily as projection planes but also for the plane intersection as measuring method or for the definition of a user coordinate system in CAD.

The Stakeout Module

The stakeout module of ELCOVISION 10 ElTheo is mainly used to check existing plans or to show a point in the locality.
Motorized total stations are controlled directly by ElTheo.

Other Features

For profile measurements, a maximum limit can be specified by which the measured point may be removed from the profile plane. If this limit is exceeded, the user is warned.

All measurements are automatically logged by ElTheo. These points can be transferred to the drawing at any time. The points are either projected into a plane or transferred in 3D. The points can also be labeled with any point number, coordinates, etc..

ELCOVISION ELTheo Demoversion

Test ELCOVISION ELTheo by yourself: Get the demo version here. We would also be happy to demonstrate the software to you in a demo, for an online demonstration please contact us here, or visit us at one of our next events.

ELCOVISION 10 ELTheo Overview of Features and Comparison with THEO online

Supported theodolites and protocols

Leica GSI 16/32

Leica GeoCOM

Trimble ("For M5" Protokoll)


Theodolite Stationing and Orientation

Local system of coordinates over direction or 2 points

Balanced free stationing over 2 or more points or directly over points in a CAD drawing


Thedolite Measurement Methods

Polar measurement with and without reflector

Polar measurement with plane intersection

Forward intersection over 2 or more viewpoints

Stakeout of points and CAD drawing elements with direct control of motorized total stations

Logging of all measurements

Direct measurement of profiles and projections with all above measurement methods

Creation of 3D planes
For use as construction, profile and projection planes

Balanced 3D plane via 3 or more 3D points

Creating parallel planes by points or with arbitrary distance to other planes

Create vertical planes to any other planes

Vollständig integriert in folgende CAD Systeme
Alle Zeichenfunktionen des CAD können
mit Messungen beaufschlagt werden

AutoCAD Plugins (2017 - 2022)

BricsCAD Plugin (V19 - V22)

Additional CAD drawing functions

Direct measurement and drawing of 2D floor plans with area determination

Direct measurement and drawing of 2D windows and doors

Direct measurement of walls, doors, windows etc. in AutoCAD Architectural Desktop with integration into a Facility Management System

Measuring and drawing perpendiculars with one measurement

Measuring and drawing of 1 segment lines

Genuine 3D trimming of lines

Simultaneous measurement and drawing of 3D trimmed lines

Measure and draw 3D balanced lines

Measurement and drawing of lines aligned with the UCS

Arc stroke function

Direct measurement and drawing of 3D circles and arcs over 3 3D points with plausibility check

Direct measurement and drawing of 3D rectangles over 3 3D points with plausibility check

2D projection of a drawing on any plane

Optimized merging of single lines to 2D polylines and 3D polylines

Integrated 3D surface modeller
Create waterproof surfaces from 3D point clouds and 3D line drawings.

Create contour lines from surface models

Direct measurement and insertion of blocks with automatic block alignment

Direct measurement and insertion of cylinders and cuboids


Programme language German

Program language English

Programme language French


Supported OS: Windows 7/8.x/10/11

32 and 64Bit


ELCOVISION ELTheo Demoversion

Test ELCOVISION ELTheo by yourself: Get the demo version here. We would also be happy to demonstrate the software to you in a demo, for an online demonstration please contact us here, or visit us at one of our next events.


Surveying Software Made in Switzerland